Thursday, December 3, 2009

Myspace Profile Help?? Someone good with HTML/CSS!!?

How do I get the layout from this page:

to display my comments??


Myspace Profile Help?? Someone good with HTML/CSS!!?

That DIV was made with hidden comments for a reason..showing the comments will mess it up.

But I suppose you can try.

Delete this from the code:

.friendscomments {display:none;}

Myspace Profile Help?? Someone good with HTML/CSS!!?

%26lt;p%26gt;%26lt;a href=" title="Grab Myspace Layouts and Myspace Codes"%26gt;%26lt;img src=" border="0" alt="Myspace Layouts" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0p... /%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;%26lt;/p%26gt;%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

table table,table table table table,table table{background-color:transparent;width...


a.navbar,font,.whitetext12,.btext,.ora... b font font, div font font u,table table table table, table table table table td.text, td.text td.text table,table.contacttable{display:none;}

div table form tr td,td.text table,a.text, table div font a, table div div,{visibility:hidden;di-splay:none}

td.text table table {display:inline; visibility:visible;}

embed{position:absolute;top:0px;left:0... height:0;}

a:link.redlink, a:visited.redlink, a:active.redlink, .orangetext15, .btext, .redbtext{visibility:hidden;}

#srch {display: none;}

body div table td form img{display:none!important;}

body { background-color: 515151;

scrollbar-face-color: 515151;

scrollbar-highlight-color: 515151;

scrollbar-3dlight-color: 515151;

scrollbar-darkshadow-color: 515151;

scrollbar-shadow-color: 515151;

scrollbar-arrow-color: FFFFFF;

scrollbar-track-color: 515151;

background-image: url(''...

background-repeat: repeat-y;}

body,table, td, li, p, div, textarea

{border:0px; text-transform: none; line-height:10px; text-align: justify; font:normal 10px Arial; color:000000; }

.text {font:normal 8px Arial; color:000000; font-weight:none; border:0px; text-transform: none; line-height:10px; text-align:justify;}

.standard b, p b, B, strong {

font-family:arial; font-size:9px; color:000000; font-weight:bold; border:0px; text-transform:none; letter-spacing: px;}

u, s, .stext, .sbtext, .swtext {

font-family: arial;

font-size: 9px;

color: 6D6D6D;

text-align: justify;}

i, em, .itext {

font-family: arial;

font-size: 9px;

color: 898989;

text-align: justify;}

.btext, .itext{font-family:arial; font-size:10pt; line-height:10pt; color:216385;border:0px solid FFFFFF;}

.bwtext, .rtext, .rbtext, .subhead{font-family:arial; color:216385;font-size:10pt;font-weight:...

.stext, .sbtext, .swtext{font-family:arialcolor:216385;fo...

.head11, .text11{font-family:arial; color:216385;font-size:10pt;}

a:link,{font-family:arial; font-size:9px; color:A4A4A4; font-weight:none;border:0px; letter-spacing: 0px;}

a:active{font-family:arial; font-size:9px; color:A4A4A4; font-weight:none;border:0px;}

a:visited{font-family:arial; font-size:9px; color:A4A4A4; font-weight:none;border:0px;}

a:hover{font-family:arial; font-size:9px; color:8C8989; font-weight:none;border:0px;}

a.links:link, a.links:visited, a.links:active {

border-bottom:1px solid;

border-color: FFFFFF;

text-align: center;

font-family: arial;


color: 6E6E6E;

font-weight: normal;

text-decoration: none;

letter-spacing: 1px;

font-size: 8pt;

line-height: 18px;

color: 6E6E6E;

background-color: A4A4A4;

display: block;


a.links:hover {

border-bottom:1px solid;

border-color: FFFFFF;

text-align: center;

font-family: arial;

color: BDBCBC;

font-weight: normal;

text-decoration: none;

letter-spacing: 1px;

font-size: 8pt;

line-height: 18px;

background-color: 686868;

background-image: url(''...

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-position: right;

display: block;


.title {

color: FFFFFF;

font: 8pt arial;

font-weight: bold;

letter-spacing: 0px;

padding: 0px;

background-color: 8C8989;

background-image: url('');




border-bottom: 2px solid;


display: block;}

.title2 {

color: FFFFFF;

font: 8pt arial;

font-weight: bold;

letter-spacing: 0px;

padding: 0px;

background-color: 707070;

background-image: url('');




border-bottom: 2px solid;

border-color: DCDCDC;

display: block;}


%26lt;div class="A%26amp;F" style="position: absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:954px; height:900px; overflow: hidden; z-index:0;"%26gt;




%26lt;IMG SRC=" WIDTH=954 HEIGHT=197 ALT=""%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;




%26lt;IMG SRC=" WIDTH=954 HEIGHT=273 ALT=""%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;




%26lt;IMG SRC=" WIDTH=954 HEIGHT=286 ALT=""%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;




%26lt;IMG SRC=" WIDTH=954 HEIGHT=144 ALT=""%26gt;%26lt;/TD%26gt;




%26lt;div class="side" style="position: absolute; left:570px; top:473px; width:199px; overflow: auto; z-index:0;"%26gt;

%26lt;span class="title"%26gt;Navigation%26lt;/span%26gt;

%26lt;a class="links" href="

%26lt;a class="links" href=" ID HERE"%26gt;Add Me%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;a class="links" href=" ID HERE"%26gt;Send Message%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;a class="links" href=" ID HERE"%26gt;View Pictures%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;a class="links" href=" ID HERE"%26gt;View Blog%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;a class="links" href=" ID HERE"%26gt;Add To Group%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;a class="links" href="/dizhomeboyy"%26gt;Dizhomeboyy%26lt;/a%26gt;

%26lt;span class="title"%26gt;Comments%26lt;/span%26gt;

%26lt;center%26gt;%26lt;form method="post" action=" name="friendID" value="FRIEND ID HERE" type="hidden"%26gt;%26lt;textarea name="f_comments" cols="35" rows="5" border-width: px; border-style: solid; border-color: 8C8989; font-family: arial; font-size: 10px; color: A4A4A4; background-color: FFFFFF;" style="overflow:auto;"%26gt;Leave a message here.%26lt;/textarea%26gt;%26lt;br%26gt; %26lt;input value="Add Comment" style="border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: 8C8989; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px; color: A4A4A4; background-color: FFFFFF;" type="submit"%26gt; %26lt;input value="Clear" style="border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: 8C8989; font-family: Arial; font-size: 10px; color: A4A4A4; background-color: FFFFFF;" type="reset"%26gt;%26lt;/form%26gt;%26lt;/center%26gt;

%26lt;span class="title"%26gt;Music%26lt;/span%26gt;

Put a music player in here if you want to have music playing on you're mspace. Recommended music players is at and use the smaller music player. If you use a big one, than it will make this part weird with a horizontal scrollbar. If you want to use a huge music player than just use the main div side (left).

%26lt;span class="title"%26gt;Extras%26lt;/span%26gt;

You can add more %26amp; more sections if you want.

%26lt;span class="title"%26gt;Extras%26lt;/span%26gt;

You can add more %26amp; more sections if you want.

%26lt;span class="title"%26gt;Credits%26lt;/span%26gt;

Credits go to the A%26amp;F Co. for the images. Brushes were from %26amp; coding/designed by %26lt;a href="/dizhomeboyy"%26gt;dizhomeboyy%26lt;/a%26gt;.


%26lt;div class="main" style="position: absolute; left:169px; top:720px; width:399px; overflow: auto; z-index:0;"%26gt;

%26lt;span class="title2"%26gt;About the layout%26lt;/span%26gt;

This layout has many shades of black%26amp;white featuring Abercrombie%26amp;Fitch. A clean, neat, sophisticated layout look. This whole theme is Spring Break since it's coming up. Or for some, it's already spring break? I had to choose A%26amp;F to do this "spring break" theme because they always seem spring to me. Espicially the lady models are so hott. Jarah Mariano espicially! Anyway, please don't remove the credits. Do not redistribute, alter/change, and don't jock. Hope you like it.

%26lt;span class="title2"%26gt;About Me%26lt;/span%26gt;

This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here. This is where you talk about you're self. Write anything you want here.

%26lt;span class="title2"%26gt;CSS Tags%26lt;/span%26gt;

This is how: %26lt;B%26gt;BOLD%26lt;/B%26gt; %26lt;U%26gt;UNDERLINE%26lt;/U%26gt; %26lt;I%26gt;ITALIC%26lt;/I%26gt;

%26lt;span class="title2"%26gt;Friends%26lt;/span%26gt;


%26lt;a href="FRIEND URL HERE" border=0%26gt;%26lt;img src="

%26lt;a href="FRIEND URL HERE" border=0%26gt;%26lt;img src="

%26lt;a href="FRIEND URL HERE" border=0%26gt;%26lt;img src="

%26lt;a href="FRIEND URL HERE" border=0%26gt;%26lt;img src="

%26lt;a href="FRIEND URL HERE" border=0%26gt;%26lt;img src="

%26lt;a href="FRIEND URL HERE" border=0%26gt;%26lt;img src="


%26lt;span class="title2"%26gt;Extras%26lt;/span%26gt;

Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here. Write anything you want here.


Myspace Profile Help?? Someone good with HTML/CSS!!?

sorry bud, since its a DIV it has a special code and displaying the comments would mess it up. try putting this on your profile wherever you want. it will make a link so your friends can click to view your comments...

where it says "view my comments" you can change it to make it say whatever you want. where it says "YOUR FRIEND ID HERE", put your friend id

%26lt;a href=" My Comments%26lt;/a%26gt;

how to find friend id:

Myspace Profile Help?? Someone good with HTML/CSS!!?

if you knwo a code to put your comments in a box.. then use that

and just move the box to the position you want it in

but i bet you dont knwo how to do that since you asked.. and i dont feel like finding a code


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