Monday, December 28, 2009

What good rappers can you download music from on myspace and what is the name of there myspace?

Myspace seems to be better at showing off Rappers that don't have deals, and haven't blown up yet. I find some of the most interesting sounds on there that actually load quickly.

Try: Jake the Flake, IKES (a UK rapper), De la Soul, Lupe Fiasco, and Talib Qweli.

Good luck.

I'm always amazed at the idiots on here that don't like Hip-Hop/Rap and feel they have to take up space and not actually answer the question.

What good rappers can you download music from on myspace and what is the name of there myspace?

I'm not sure, since I am still trying to find Oun P on my space, ever since he smashed and won as the champion on freestyle fridaays on 106 and park on BET, and got put in the hall of fame. He was sexy and the ****! So if you figure anything out let me KNOW!

What good rappers can you download music from on myspace and what is the name of there myspace?

Can't help with this one because I fail to see the attraction of listening to some loser who sounds like he needs to get hooked on phonics or something.

What good rappers can you download music from on myspace and what is the name of there myspace?

RAP IS CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What good rappers can you download music from on myspace and what is the name of there myspace?

There are no good rappers.

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